MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
December 30, 2024(1 event)
7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – Join Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM in the Church Social Hall. Open meeting format. |
December 31, 2024(1 event)
10:00 AM: Bible Study10:00 AM: Bible Study – Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Durham Community United Methodist Church |
January 1, 2025(1 event)
12:00 PM: Choir Practice12:00 PM: Choir Practice – DCUMC's "Hallelujah Choir" will meet at noon on Wednesdays for practice in the Church. New people are welcome! |
January 2, 2025(1 event)
7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting – |
January 3, 2025
January 4, 2025
January 5, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services – Join our congregation for regular Sunday services! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend to come try out our warm, fun and always friendly church services. Afterwards we have a free snack, like baked goods and fruit salad, juice and coffee. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and we have a delicious luncheon. We would love to have believers of any age, so come on down! |
January 6, 2025(1 event)
7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – Join Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM in the Church Social Hall. Open meeting format. |
January 7, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Bible Study10:00 AM: Bible Study – Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Durham Community United Methodist Church |
January 8, 2025(1 event)
12:00 PM: Choir Practice12:00 PM: Choir Practice – DCUMC's "Hallelujah Choir" will meet at noon on Wednesdays for practice in the Church. New people are welcome! |
January 9, 2025(1 event)
7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting – |
January 10, 2025
January 11, 2025
January 12, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services – Join our congregation for regular Sunday services! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend to come try out our warm, fun and always friendly church services. Afterwards we have a free snack, like baked goods and fruit salad, juice and coffee. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and we have a delicious luncheon. We would love to have believers of any age, so come on down! |
January 13, 2025(1 event)
7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – Join Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM in the Church Social Hall. Open meeting format. |
January 14, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Bible Study10:00 AM: Bible Study – Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Durham Community United Methodist Church |
January 15, 2025(1 event)
12:00 PM: Choir Practice12:00 PM: Choir Practice – DCUMC's "Hallelujah Choir" will meet at noon on Wednesdays for practice in the Church. New people are welcome! |
January 16, 2025(1 event)
7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting – |
January 17, 2025
January 18, 2025
January 19, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services – Join our congregation for regular Sunday services! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend to come try out our warm, fun and always friendly church services. Afterwards we have a free snack, like baked goods and fruit salad, juice and coffee. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and we have a delicious luncheon. We would love to have believers of any age, so come on down! |
January 20, 2025(1 event)
7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – Join Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM in the Church Social Hall. Open meeting format. |
January 21, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Bible Study10:00 AM: Bible Study – Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Durham Community United Methodist Church |
January 22, 2025(1 event)
12:00 PM: Choir Practice12:00 PM: Choir Practice – DCUMC's "Hallelujah Choir" will meet at noon on Wednesdays for practice in the Church. New people are welcome! |
January 23, 2025(1 event)
7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting – |
January 24, 2025
January 25, 2025
January 26, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services – Join our congregation for regular Sunday services! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend to come try out our warm, fun and always friendly church services. Afterwards we have a free snack, like baked goods and fruit salad, juice and coffee. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and we have a delicious luncheon. We would love to have believers of any age, so come on down! |
January 27, 2025(1 event)
7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting7:30 PM: Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – Join Alcoholics Anonymous every Monday from 7:30PM to 8:30PM in the Church Social Hall. Open meeting format. |
January 28, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Bible Study10:00 AM: Bible Study – Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Durham Community United Methodist Church |
January 29, 2025(1 event)
12:00 PM: Choir Practice12:00 PM: Choir Practice – DCUMC's "Hallelujah Choir" will meet at noon on Wednesdays for practice in the Church. New people are welcome! |
January 30, 2025(1 event)
7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting7:00 PM: Women's Alcoholic's Anonymous Meeting – |
January 31, 2025
February 1, 2025
February 2, 2025(1 event)
10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services10:00 AM: Sunday Church Services – Join our congregation for regular Sunday services! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend to come try out our warm, fun and always friendly church services. Afterwards we have a free snack, like baked goods and fruit salad, juice and coffee. The first Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday and we have a delicious luncheon. We would love to have believers of any age, so come on down! |